Natural living encompasses more than eating right. Natural living incorporates living life daily in touch with the mind, the body and the spirit.

Hello.  Here is my attempt at sharing my ideas, insights, research, etc.  I am a self-proclaimed hippy naturalist.  My late husband gave me that title and I wear it with pride.  I cannot really say what this blog will look like or what specific topics I will be covering.  That seems like too much stress.  I will say that the format will be extremely casual and not very "politically correct".  Here are some basic beliefs on where I am coming from:

1.  The Creator is in control of everything
2.  Everything is possible
3.  We know our bodies better than anyone else
4.  What we believe helps to create our reality
5.  There are some fundamental basics that govern how our bodies, minds and spirits work
6.  Words have power
7.  There are two "suppose to's":  Death and Change
8.  Flow (this word will be used a heck of a lot, my apologies in advance)

Although I have a plethora of skills, in this space I am choosing to focus on my Shamanic skills.  As a Shaman I believe in using whatever tools necessary that will help my Love One (Client) get better.  That looks like me asking a zillion questions, tuning into their Higher Self as well as consulting several plant medicines (herbs) for the appropriate tools for each person.

Most of the services I offer are extremely customized to the individuals needs.

In this space I offer:

  1. Energy Balancing/Allergy Testing
  2. Personal Intuitive Readings
  3. Relationship Coaching
  4. Intimacy Workshops
  5. Live Spirit Guides Q&As


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Natural living encompasses more than eating right. Natural living incorporates living life daily in touch with the mind, the body and the spirit.