
I am a Shaman who is passionate in helping you navigate this plain of existence with as much love and grace that you can receive. I provide a service of helping you maneuver this crazy world of alternative healing. I specialize in personal consultations that help you design a program that fits your particular needs. As a Shaman I will use whatever tools that are useful for you on your journey; which means that I have a wide range of skills and resources.

The Short List

New Client Consultation (30 minutes/FREE)

  • Detailed explanation of our services
  • Assessment if this is a good fit for you according to your needs
  • Assessment of your commitment level

Readings: Tarot/Frequency, Intuitive, Spirit Guide and Channeling/Mediumship (1 hour 35 minutes/$175)

Focused, specific consultations regarding your directions and decisions for your highest good.

Tarot/Frequency Readings:

Mamma Luve uses cards to help you find the answers you seek.

Intuitive Readings:

Mamma Luve brings her specific style of answering your questions, giving advice or just making you laugh through tuning into your higher self.

Spirit Guide Readings:

Mamma Luve connects with her Guides/Collective (WE) to give the answers you seek or the answers you NEED in this moment of your journey.


Mamma Luve connects with you loved ones to help bring you the peace, advice or conversation you are wanting to experience.

We can meet through Zoom or, if necessary, at my office.

You will receive a confirmation email with the links and details for the session.

Sessions are 1 hour 35 minutes.

There is a $75.00 cancelation fee for appointments $150.00 or more and a $35.00 cancellation fee for appointments $75.00 or less on ALL "no-shows" within 24 hours of appointment time on ALL SERVICES, COURSES AND WORKSHOPS.

NO REFUNDS. You may exchange a service for up to one year.

Life Coaching, Intimacy/Relationship Consultations and Natural Healing Consultations (1 hour 5 minutes/$150)

Life Coaching:

Helping you decide what you are going to do when you grow up. This is NOT a psychology session. Life Coaching is designed to look at your future and help you figure out the best ways to get to that future that fits you.

Intimacy/Relationship Consultations:

There may be times in which the blue pill wont work. That's when we help you to navigate what the heck is going on. We help you determine which skills may help increase intimacy as well as how to implement these skills in real, tangible ways in your everyday life.

Natural Healing Consultations:

We consult our clients on how to help heal whatever dis-eases that are bothering them. Whether you want to just have a person to call or someone to hold your hand through the healing process, we are here for you.

Follow-Up Consultation: (Sessions are 30 minutes/$75)

Touch base, updates and quick questions. This is for current clients ONLY. We meet through Zoom or over the phone.

We can meet through Zoom or if necessary, at my office.

You will receive a confirmation email with the links and details for the session.

Sessions are 1 hour 5 minutes.

There is a $75.00 cancelation fee for appointments $150.00 or more and a $35.00 cancellation fee for appointments $75.00 or less on ALL "no-shows" within 24 hours of appointment time on ALL SERVICES, COURSES AND WORKSHOPS.

NO REFUNDS. You may exchange a service for up to one year.

The Body Modalities

These are a few of the services offered that apply to the healing and harmonization with your body.

Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analysis ($35 for printout/$75 for analysis of printout)

  • Advanced electronic equipment to collect the weak magnetic field of human cells for scientific analysis, thereby analyzing and determining the your health status
  • Provide standard prevention recommendations
  • Non-invasive
  • Analyzes over 30 body systems

Sound/Frequency Therapy (1 hour/$50)

  • Increased mental, physical and emotions sense of well being
  • Vibrations have been scientifically proven to have an effect on the body
  • The vibrations from sound that create a positive response in your body will be used to help your body relieve stress
  • Has been used to increase immunity, modify behavior, balance emotions and much more
  • Personalized Frequency/Subliminal CD available ($10)

Energy Balancing/Allergy Testing (1.5 hour/$150)

The energic balancing in performed through manipulation of your body's energy highways consisting of the practitioner moving several of your limbs in a coordinated manner.

  • Evaluate muscle strength
  • Useful in treating muscle pains, skin disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, depression, and much more
  • Can help in identifying allergies

Energy/Chakra Cleansing (1 hour/$75)

Shamanic tools are used in this process of clearing your chakras.

  • Chakras are considered to be the plug of the body that receives the energy from above.
  • When these plugs get blocked it becomes harder for the body to receive the healing energy that is being sent to it.
  • Some of the benefits include:
    • Faster healingoLess stress
    • Better elimination of toxins
    • Improved digestion

Ionic Detox Foot Bath (30 minutes/$35)

Relax in a thirty minute foot bath while the water pulls out the toxins, leaving you feeling great.

  • Detoxification using ionic charge
  • Has been known to help with:
    • Pain relief
    • Boost immune system
    • Normalize blood pressure
    • Increase circulation
    • Increase energy and vitalityoReduce insomnia
    • Reduce constipation
    • Reduce menopausal symptoms

Zapping Session (30 minutes/$35)

Uses frequency to zap parasites, bacteria and viruses and is painless to you.

  • Great for Candida
  • Has been used for cleaning the blood of:
    • Tapeworms
    • Roundworms
    • Flukes

Treatment Equipment
The treatment services we provide are based in centuries of anecdotal usages. We use quantum physics based equipment that has been scientifically proven and researched by the pioneers of the scientific community in our treatment programs.

  • The Advanced Bio Photon Analyzer: uses frequencies that are not dependent on time/space to heal, enabling healing from a distance.
  • Virtual Clarity Meter: uses biofeedback to help clear anxiety, stress, deep seeded emotions.
  • Quantum Resonance Analyzer: uses magnetic energy to analyze the body, measure over 30 body systems (ex. cardiovascular, vitamin levels, trace elements, lung, liver, etc.)
  • Homeopathy: minute medicine that helps in a big way
  • Pulsed Magnetic Energy
  • Colloidal Silver Generator
  • Rife/Crane Generator
  • TENS Therapy
  • Color Therapy
  • Hydrogen Water
  • Oxygenated Water

Disclaimer: These products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to treat or prevent disease. The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and should not be used to diagnose and treat diseases. If you have a serious health problem, we recommend that you consult a competent health practitioner. After each product is a list of what it has been used to aid. We are not claiming that the product will cure any of these diseases or that we created them to cure these disorders. We are merely reporting that people have used the product to aid these conditions. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses. Herbs are medicine so please check with your doctor or pharmacist when considering taking herbal supplements.